Where to find us
Alliant is here for our Members! There are multiple ways to contact our representatives and receive information. Browse the different avenues to find the appropriate contact channel.
Main Contact Information
201 W. Waugh St
Dalton, GA 30720
Non-English Client Services (available in 240 languages)
Office Hours
Mailing Address
Sales/Business Development
Sales/Business Development
(706) 883-4382
Office Address:
201 W. Waugh St
Dalton, GA 30720
Sales & Account Executives:
- Cindy Nesbitt
Phone: (706) 891-3397
Email: CNesbitt@AlliantPlans.com - Logan Hawkins
Account Executive
Phone: (706) 883-4405
Email: LHawkins@AlliantPlans.com
Pharmacy Benefit Manager
Prime Therapeutics (Pharmacy Benefit Manager)
Customer Care: (844) 451-8288
Website: MyPrime.com
Provider Relations
Provider Client Services: (800) 811-4793
ProviderRelations@AlliantPlans.com (Healthcare Professionals ONLY)
Health One Alliance, LLC on behalf of itself, affiliates, and subsidiaries including Alliant Health Plans, Inc. (collectively referred to herein as “Health One Alliance, LLC”) maintains an effective compliance program that is designed to detect and prevent improper and illegal activities and that supports efficient and proper operations. The compliance program supports effective communication through these nonpunitive reporting methods.
Should you have concerns, questions or simply wish to report an incident, please contact Compliance using one of the following options:
Confidential methods: Indicates you may be identified when reporting an issue. Any personally identifiable information will be kept in strict confidence by Compliance. When submitting an issue, please indicate if you want a response from the Compliance Officer.
Confidential Toll Free: (888) 533-6507 ext 125
Confidential Direct: (706) 237-8802
Confidential Email: Compliance@AlliantPlans.com
Anonymous methods: Indicates there is NO identifiable information that can link back to you when making a report. You are submitting an anonymous report. Therefore, we are unable to respond or reply to you when submitting the issue, but it is our goal to maintain this method for reporting anonymously to encourage reporting.
Anonymous Reporting Form: click here